mardi 16 octobre 2007

100 % EL-P: Company flow - Funcrusher plus

1. Company Flow - Bad Touch Example [produced by EL-P]

2. Company Flow - 8 Steps To Perfection [produced by EL-P]

3. Company Flow ft. J-Treds - Collude / Intrude [produced by EL-P]

4. Company Flow - Blind [produced by EL-P]

5. Company Flow - Silence [produced by EL-P]

6. Company Flow - Legends [produced by EL-P]

7. Company Flow - Help Wanted [produced by EL-P]

8. Company Flow - Population Control [produced by EL-P]

9. Company Flow - Lune TNS [produced by Bigg Jus]

10. Company Flow - Definitive [produced by EL-P]

11. Company Flow - Lencorcism [produced by Mr. Len]

12. Company Flow - 89.9 Detrimental [produced by EL-P]

13. Company Flow ft. BMS - Vital Nerve [produced by EL-P]

14. Company Flow - Tragedy Of War (In III Parts) [produced by EL-P]

15. Company Flow - Corners '94 [produced by EL-P]

16. Company Flow ft. Brewin , J-Treds - The Fire In Which You Burn [produced by EL-P]

17. Company Flow - Krazy Kings [produced by EL-P]

18. Company Flow - Last Good Sleep [produced by EL-P]

19. Company Flow - Info Kill II [produced by EL-P]

20. Company Flow - Funcrush Scratch [produced by Mr. Len]

6 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Would you be able to re-up "Company Flow Funchrusher Plus" album? I would like to have the "Corners '94" joint, would you be able to hook it up? Would be greatly appreciated. Feel free to drop me an email in regards to my request.
Thanks in advance,

Anonyme a dit…

You need think about it. Despite the emails, the overwhelming evidence showing global warming is happening hasn't changed.
"The e-mails do nothing to undermine the very strong scientific consensus . . . that tells us the Earth is warming, that warming is largely a result of human activity," Jane Lubchenco, who heads the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, told a House committee. She said that the e-mails don't cover data from NOAA and NASA, whose independent climate records show dramatic warming.

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Как вы относитесь к непопулярным статьям в блогах

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hey, spring is cooming! good post there, tnx for

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ЧТо вы думаете про Фильтры Петрика Как вы к этому относитесь?

My favorite beatmakers (EAST + WEST and other places)


Si vous faites des instrus, laissez-moi votre adresse e-mail (dans la section commentaires ou dans la cbox) pour m'envoyez vos productions.
J'en ferais la promo seulement si j'aime donc hésitez pas à m'en envoyer plein.
Peut-être que ça aidera à faire connaître de nouveaux producteurs français dans le monde (ça coûte rien en tout cas)

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If you want me to RE-upload something, just REQUEST it
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I got my requests too: DOES ANYBODY KNOW what is the original HIP HOP song for this track ?

Agallah - freestyle
